

[Media Coverage] "What We Can Do Now Project" featured in the Earthquake Heritage Newspaper

The Kahoku Shimpo Newspaper Company is running a reconstruction support project called "What We Can Do Now Project." As part of this initiative, they have been working for the past five years on producing a newspaper to pass on the disaster to future generations.

This project involves junior high school students who have no memory of the earthquake visiting disaster-stricken areas in Miyagi Prefecture to learn about and share the progress that has been made since that day.

This year, seven students from St. Ursula Academy Eichi Junior High School visited Minamisanriku Town and took on the challenge of reporting.

We interviewed Minamisanriku Hotel Kanyo, Tokura SeaBoys, and the Minamisanriku 311 Memorial, and wrote an article about it.

"It was a day that made me realize the importance of visiting disaster-stricken areas and learning about them."

"I thought it was our responsibility to inherit and pass on this message."

In their post-interview comments, each person writes with emotion about what they felt and the messages they would like to convey to their peers.

Passing on the memories and lessons of the earthquake to future generations.

Thank you very much to everyone at St. Ursula Gakuin Eichi Junior High School and the Kahoku Shimpo newspaper for interviewing us.

Actual newspaper copies are also available at the Memorial Hall.

Please take a look at it.


Kahoku Shimpo Newspaper's What We Can Do Now Project

"Disaster Memorial Newspaper" to be published on February 11, 2025

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