

[Event Report] Storytelling event "Sharing memories of the Chilean earthquake and tsunami" held

On May 23, 1960, a magnitude 9.5 earthquake occurred in the Republic of Chile, South America, far from Japan. The next day, May 24, a tsunami reached the Sanriku coast of Japan. The tsunami reached Minamisanriku Town (then Shizugawa Town) and killed 41 people.

In Minamisanriku Town, May 24th has been designated "Chile Earthquake and Tsunami Day" to commemorate the situation at that time and the lessons learned.

The Embassy of Japan has been holding the "1960 Newspaper Exhibition – Learning Lessons from the Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami" since May 11th, and today, as a related event, we held a storytelling session by people who were affected by the disaster at that time, "Sharing Memories of the Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami."

Ms. Toshiko Nakamatsu, who spoke to us this time, was a high school student at the time of the Chilean earthquake and tsunami.

I learned about how the leather shoes I had bought for the school trip had fallen apart, how the tsunami was completely different from the one that occurred during the Great East Japan Earthquake, and about people who had died because they had not evacuated.

Even though we are staff members who regularly listen to stories about the Great East Japan Earthquake and guide customers, there were some stories we were hearing for the first time.

It was a very meaningful experience that helped me unravel the questions I had about the evacuation behavior of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Many visitors came to the museum, and Nakamatsu actually gave a talk twice.

We would like to continue holding such opportunities to learn from past disasters in the future.

Thank you very much to Mr. Nakamatsu for speaking with us and to everyone who visited us.

<Event Overview>=================================================

Storytelling Project "Sharing Memories of the Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami"

<Date and time> Friday, May 24th, from 10:00 am

<Location> Minamisanriku 311 Memorial Hall, Minna no Hiroba

<Storyteller> Toshiko Nakamatsu (President of Shizugawa Folktale Society)

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